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Welcome to UNiT design studio, p.c.

UNiT design studio, p.c. is a unique, innovative firm of professionals with experience in urban design, architecture, and planning. UNiT provides personal service and the highest quality of expertise in the creation of quality projects, augmented by the latest technology and design tools. Our combined experience, working on projects of both large and small scale, ensures that we are completely aware of how projects work within the constraints of context, budget, municipal, and community review. Each UNiT project must:
  • Provide opportunities and solutions for a diverse population
  • Stand the test of time - be adaptable for future survival
  • Have sustainable business plans and be reasonably affordable
UNiT applies principles of sustainability to urban design, architecture, and planning, utilizing experience in passive solar design, and timber frame construction to provide cost effective materials for residential, recreational and commercial projects. UNiT specializes in urban infill, adaptive reuse, and historic preservation.

National Science Foundation Living Wall Research

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